October 2023

LSB-Fournier SA

As specialist cleanroom and controlled atmosphere area designers, manufacturers and installers, LSB boasts a broad range of turnkey and/or modular products and solutions for laboratories, manufacturing platforms, CRUs, operating theatres, sterile rooms and more

Med4Cast SA

Leading AI diagnostic solution for specific medical fields, starting with orthopaedics. Med4cast has access to large databases of medical data, consisting of patient data and images, which were built by our medical partners over decades

Idiap Research Institute

Independent, non-profit research foundation leader in artificial and cognitive intelligence with activities in fundamental research, training and technology transfer in AI, genomics, robotics, bioimaging, machine learning and visual recognition.

Ibex (Lonza Ltd)

Ibex ™, a complex of five modular buildings that will provide its customers with tailored and personalized solutions at every stage of the development and production process. The solutions offered by Ibex ™ are technologically “agnostic”, very flexible and able to support activities in different technologies – mammalian, microbial, cellular and biocompatible – from late discovery to development and commercial production.

HealthMe Technologies SA

Operation of laboratories, research centres and development centres; provision of medical and pharmaceutical services; trade in medical and pharmaceutical products; development of medical software, mobile and web applications.

Gomina AG

Leading manufacturer of saw blades for bone surgery and micromechanical precision parts for medical technology. Gomina develops and produces surgical instruments exclusively in Switzerland and market our products worldwide.

Pharmalp SA

Pharmalp develops and commercializes products with natural ingredients, such probiotics and extracts of alpine plant  in the field of immune responses, allergies, fatigue and stress. The company operates its packaging activities produced under GMP and sold as food supplements.

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