Valais’ chemical-pharmaceutical sector in top form

Published today in the Bilan Magazine, discover the excellent overview written by Vincent Gilloz on the chemical-pharmaceutical sector good health.

“The recent celebration of Valsynthèse’s 40th anniversary in Brigues, the ground-breaking ceremony for Debiopharm’s new building in Martigny and the inauguration of BioArk’s third center in Monthey are reminders of the sector’s excellent health in the Valais economic landscape.”

🎙️ “The chemical-pharmaceutical industry generates 25% of the canton’s added value… ” – Mr. Christophe Darbellay, President of the Conseil d’Etat – State Councillor in charge of the Department of Economy and Education

🎙️”Logically, we have set up our subsidiaries in countries where we have markets. We have 750 employees in eight European countries.” – Mr. Gilles de Preux, CEO of Société Suisse des Explosifs

🎙️ “The collaboration between Debiopharm and researchers at the HES-SO Valais-Wallis is a fine example of a successful, long-term public-private partnership.” Mr. Cédric Sager, CEO of Debiopharm Research & Manufacturing

🎙️ “We understood that we had to offer suitable infrastructure and training tools to be attractive,” noted Frédéric Bagnoud, General Secretary of The Ark Foundation.

9 January 2024
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