BioAlps Networking Day 2023

Join us on 9 November 2023 at Campus Biotech for BioAlps Networking Day 2023! This year’s event, organised by the BioAlps association, will last a full day. The morning will be devoted to innovations in life sciences in the canton of Geneva, while the afternoon will focus on personalised medicine and digital health.

This annual gathering attracts around 300 key players from the Swiss Health Valley region each year: representatives from academia, start-ups, government and the media come together to share the latest trends in life sciences. 

Why should you attend?

  • A special morning session at Campus Biotech with the Wyss Center for Neuro and Bio Engineering and FONGIT
  • An introduction by the President of the Swiss Personalized Health Network
  • Two sessions, focusing on precision medicine and digital health
  • Start-up pitches
  • An area with exhibitors
  • Innosquare with innovations in life sciences
  • A brand new networking application Networking opportunities
  • BioAlps Awards: Industry and Academy

Date : 9 November 2023, 9am – 7pm
Venue : Campus Biotech, Chemin des mines 9, 1202 Geneva
Fee : CHF 100 (including lunch and snacks during breaks)

Programme and registration

9 September 2023
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