Alpha Onco Swiss : The new Swiss subsidiary of Nanobacteria settles in Monthey !

After the opening of their Swiss office, Alpha Onco Swiss, through its CEO Edouard Alphandery, tells us why they chose the Valais, and more particularly the technological site of BioArk in Monthey to develop their activities.  Discover his testimony in the video below.

Switzerland remains a particularly interesting place to set up a business. In particular, many foreign companies from all over the world have decided to create a limited company or a branch in Switzerland. Choosing the ideal location for a company is a crucial step in its development.

AlphaOnco Swiss, the Swiss subsidiary of the French company Nanobacterie, has chosen to set up its Swiss office in Monthey, on the BioArk technological site, dedicated to life sciences. An important decision that Edouard Alphandery, CEO of the company explains: “The economic development of the canton of Valais played an essential role in helping us in the administrative aspects of the establishment of our legal structure and the creation of our company in Monthey. 

Discover the Alpha Onco Swiss company and the aspects that favored its establishment in Valais in this video interview.

At the heart of innovation in anti-cancer treatments

Alpha Onco Swiss develops a treatment against cancer, composed of minerals, introduced into tumors. These are then heated by ultrasound. The goal of this company is to develop a treatment that is accessible to the greatest number of people.

16 May 2023
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